Hubei Province's first robot police dog become online sensation during holidays

On May 3, Yichang Public Security Bureau in Central China's Hubei Province made history by deploying a "robot police dog" for the first time in the province for practical use. 

In order to alleviate the strain on police and enhance security in the area, Hubei's first robot police dog officially entered duty in Yichang city on May 3. 

Jointly operating with real police dogs, the robot dog was sent to patrol, identify suspects, and conduct anti-fraud campaigns in the Three Gorges Dam scenic area, The Paper reported on Monday.

As a newcomer to Yichang Public Security Bureau, the robot dog attracted a crowd of onlookers. With two large "eyes" on its back constantly monitoring the movements of people around it, any suspicious individuals were immediately detected by its monitoring team, according to local media reports.

Chen Peng, general manager of Wuba Intelligent Technology (Hangzhou) Company, explained, "It has the ability to autonomously patrol 24 hours every day, complementing traditional security monitoring devices. It can enter crowds and identify individuals at close range. When police officers or police dogs are tired, the robot dog can patrol continuously without interruption, and it can replace humans in bomb disposal and other dangerous settings."

Due to heavy rain, police officers were conducting indoor patrols on May 3, while the fearless robt police dog was responsible for outdoor patrols. When the children caught sight of the adorable mechanical police dog getting wet in the rain, they even came up to hold an umbrella for it. However, a little water is nothing to the robot dog, as it can work normally even in temperatures as high as 60 C or as low as minus 40 C.

When the robot police dog noticed a visitor had left their bag on a bench, it would alert, "Lost item found."

Visitors welcomed the patrols of the new robot dog. A visitor surnamed Zhang said, "Some elderly people and children may be afraid of large dogs. I hope we could see mechanical police dogs in various scenic spots in Hubei in the future."

Although the mechanical police dog is currently only responsible for basic tasks such as autonomous patrols and order guidance, it will soon unlock more capabilities. 

Jiang Weiwei, a police officer from Yichang Public Security Bureau, said, "Next, we will combine the application of big data in public security to give the robot dog the most powerful brain. Through the collaboration between the robot dog and police officers, we aim to enhance grassroots police capabilities in tracking, rescue, reconnaissance, identification, and other fields."

German FM hyping China issues during trip to S.Pacific exposes Germany's deep political divisions

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock's ongoing visit to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji in the South Pacific is a way of balancing the impact of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's China trip, which exposed deep political divisions within the German government, said Chinese analysts when commenting on Baerbock's recent remarks in which she warned against becoming too reliant on China.

While Scholz recently visited China and reached many positive agreements, Germany's foreign and economic departments, controlled by the far-right Greens, have been at odds with the Social Democratic Party led by Scholz, especially on China policy, which could affect China-Germany cooperation and hinder Germany's own economic and social recovery, analysts warned. At the same time, they believe sustainable cooperation remains the dominant factor in China-Germany relations.

According to a report by the German Press Agency (DPA), Baerbock is setting off on a week-long visit to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, and is using the trip to send a message to China, the report said.

During her visit to Australia, which was her first to the country, Baerbock said Germany has overhauled its strategic approach to China to avoid a repeat of the past when the NATO member failed to realize the extent of its economic dependence on Russia, Australian media outlet ABC reported on Sunday.

Baerbock, who is a Greens politician within Chancellor Scholz's coalition, said Germany has now developed a comprehensive China policy to diversify its supply chains, while maintaining a strong trade relationship with Beijing, ABC reported.

Baerbock set off on the South Pacific trip just weeks after Scholz concluded his China trip in April. Analysts said Scholz's "high-profile" visit to China was a return to the normalcy of bilateral relations.

It is clear that Baerbock rushed to visit the South Pacific in order to strike a "diplomatic balance" on China policy, Liu Zuokui, a research fellow on European studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday.

Now, more and more people and corporations in the international community are increasingly focusing on and optimistic about China's market and economic potential, a sentiment shared by Scholz, who aims to lead Germany in developing close cooperation with China, Liu said.

However, Baerbock and her far-right party are heavily biased in ideology, prioritizing values and security risks over economic cooperation, conflicting with Scholz's advocacy for pragmatic cooperation with China, Liu noted.

As a result, cooperation between Germany and China could face various disruptions, something that is supported and welcomed by the US, Liu warned. He noted that the German federal elections next year will be crucial in determining whether the German government can effectively manage these internal political struggles and contradictions.

"However, we believe that the closeness of business and economic cooperation will always remain the mainstream in China-Germany relations," Liu stressed.

Germany has been China's largest trading partner in Europe for 49 consecutive years, while China has been Germany's largest global trading partner for eight consecutive years. The facts show that practical cooperation is not just an option, but a necessity.

Also during Baerbock's visit to New Zealand on Saturday, the foreign minister did not rule out the possibility of a German frigate crossing the Taiwan Straits, DPA reported.

According to DPA, German frigate Baden-Württemberg and a supply ship will set off on Tuesday on a training mission to the Pacific lasting several months. The vessels will enter the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal and later also cross the South China Sea.

In 2021, German frigate Bayern took part in maneuvers with allies at the time, but avoided Taiwan during its voyage to the Pacific, DPA reported.

If the German frigate crosses the Taiwan Straits, it would be a very dangerous and irrational move for China-Germany relations, Chinese analysts warned. They said hyping the Taiwan question will not bring any benefits to Germany, but will only disrupt the normal development of its ties with China and affect Germany's national interests.

Politicians like Baerbock are trying to gain domestic votes by hyping up the Taiwan question, as those politicians' considerations are more focused on personal and party interests rather than their country's interests, Liu believes.

If German frigates were to cross the Taiwan Straits, China would likely respond resolutely and forcefully, Liu said.

Report on China-EU environment, climate cooperation released

A think tank report titled "China-EU Cooperation on Environment and Climate: Progress and Prospects" was released globally on Friday.

The report was jointly released by the Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, the National Energy Conservation Center, the Xinhua Institute and the Institutes of Science and Development under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It consists of five sections, namely the introduction, bilateral joint efforts to build a community of all life on Earth, deepened bilateral cooperation to address climate change, concrete progress in bilateral cooperation on the eco-environment, and steady long-term development of bilateral cooperation concerning the environment and climate.

In the face of ecological and environmental challenges, China and the European Union (EU), the largest developing country and the largest union of developed countries, respectively, must shoulder their responsibilities, carry out cooperation on the environment and climate, and work together to maintain sustainable development of the Earth, according to the report.

Noting green as the distinctive color of China-EU cooperation, the report said this cooperation not only enriches and develops the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, but also directly advances the environmental governance, trade and investment of both sides, benefiting the entire world.

Looking at the future, the two sides should work together to promote more in-depth and pragmatic cooperation, further dovetail their environmental and climate policies through high-level dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, establish a long-term cooperation framework, and promote global environmental governance and climate action, the report stated.

The report also called for the further strengthening of the bilateral green partnership, and jointly building a community of all life on Earth, and make contributions to promoting a cleaner and more beautiful world.

China International Communications Group attends 2024 Foire de Paris, showcasing Chinese culture

The China International Communications Group (CICG) has joined the 2024 Foire de Paris, which commenced on Wednesday, hosting a Chinese cultural exhibition as well as other exchange activities.  

More than 100 delegates from the cultural, translation, publishing and business sectors of both China and France participated in the event. 

The exhibition that CICG hosted features Chinese culture, including symbols of Central Plains, Harmony, Yellow River, Yangtze River, Greater Bay Area, ethnic minority cultures, and the iconic Chinese dragon.

The exhibition featured about 600 varieties and 2,000 unique exhibits including themed books, bronze and porcelain artifacts, arts and crafts, and cultural creative products. 

Notable book exhibits include multilingual series books like China's classical novels series and the Yangtze River culture series. Exhibited bronze and porcelain artifacts include the Four-goat Square Zun (which dates back more than 3,000 years), Jun porcelain from Henan and Ru porcelain.

Art exhibits include Chinese character art, Henan embroidery bird-and-flower paintings, and cultural creative products like Loong Dwen Dwen (the Chinese zodiac's Dragon version of Bing Dwen Dwen, a Beijing Winter Olympic Games mascot).

During the exhibition, various activities such as traditional Chinese music performances and tea culture experiences were also organized.

In addition to the exhibition, a series of thematic events such as "Beijing theme Day," "National Museum Theme Day," and "Shandong theme Day" were organized, alongside dialogues including a "Beijing meets Paris" event and Sino-French dialogues to promote cultural exchange between China and France.

Du Zhanyuan, the president of the CICG, said at the opening ceremony that 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the China-France Year of Cultural Tourism. This exhibition, through an innovative combination of cultural exhibits, literary and artistic performances, cultural and creative sales, and entertainment experiences helps enhance the understanding of audiences from various countries about contemporary China. 

Vincent Montagne, president of the French Publishers Association and chairman of the Paris Book Fair, said that at the important moment of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, hosting a thematic exhibition on Chinese culture presents an excellent opportunity for both countries to deepen their friendship in literature, art, culture, and among their peoples. He also expressed optimism for enhanced cooperation between the publishing industries of China and France.

Shenzhou-17 crew return to Earth after completing 1st extravehicular repair task for damages caused by space debris impact

The return capsule of the Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship, carrying taikonauts Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Tuesday, following six months aboard the Tiangong space station.

The three astronauts are all in good health condition, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), the Xinhua News Agency reported. China announced that the Shenzhou-17 mission was a complete success.

The Shenzhou-17 mission was launched on October 25, 2023, taking over control of Tiangong from the outgoing Shenzhou-16 crew days later. The crew departed the station at 8:43 am on Tuesday and landed at Dongfeng landing site at 17:46 pm.

Recovery crews were on the scene moments after the return capsule touched down. Mission commander Tang Hongbo was the first out of the capsule. In front of the camera of China Central Television, Tang expressed that he is very proud for the country. “I departed in autumn and came back in spring. My mood is just the like current days in April, the most beautiful season of a year,” Tang said.

Tang, who had first flown to space in the Shenzhou-12 mission in 2021 and then in the Shenzhou-17 mission, has not only become the taikonaut with the longest space flight time to date, but also the one with the shortest interval between two flight missions.

“Such an experience accumulated valuable lessons for us in the routine implementation of flight crew rotation and training,” CMSA spokesperson Lin Xiqiang said.

Shenzhou-17 is the second mission after Tiangong space station entered the application phase.

Prior to Shenzhou-17’s journey, research team had discovered damage on the solar wing cables of the station’s Tianhe core module due to space debris impact, resulting in partial power loss.

To fix the damage, the Shenzhou-17 crew brought repair tools with them to the space station, and through two extravehicular activities, they managed to complete China’s first extravehicular repair task, eliminating the impact on the core module's solar wings, the Global Times learned from the CMSA.

“This fully demonstrated the role of humans in space and showed that human care of spacecraft can better address unexpected issues in orbit,” Lin said.

Over the past few decades, especially in recent years, the rapid increase of human space activities has led to a growing concern over the issue of space debris. Up recently, the Chinese space station has actively implemented space debris avoidance measures on multiple occasions.

To cope with the challenge, China has improved its precise forecasting capabilities for the space station, optimizing space collision warning and reducing false alarm rates by 30 percent. China has also been conducting high-resolution inspection of the external status of Tiangong to analyze the probability and mechanics of small debris impacts.

The Shenzhou-18 crew who has just arrived at their space home on Friday will carry out reinforcement measures with protective devices to apply on the weak points on the exterior of the space station.

Lin noted that a space station impact leak monitoring and positioning system has also been deployed, improving emergency pressure response plans and increasing the time available for fault handling by five times.

The CMSA has been publishing OEM orbit parameters on their website, so as to establish a flight safety communication mechanism with other spacefaring countries, timely exchange and sharing of relevant information, with the aim of jointly maintaining the safety of spacecraft in orbit.

Apart from impact repair tasks, the Shenzhou-17 crew has conducted a total of 84 space application experiments, producing over 60 types of more than 200 samples in various fields such as space life sciences and biotechnology, aerospace medicine, and space materials science.

These samples will be brought back to Earth along with the Shenzhou-17 spacecraft for in-depth analysis and research. The samples are expected to achieve a number of important research results in areas such as high-performance multi-element alloys, functional crystal material preparation, and inhibiting bone loss through the differentiation of stem cells.

China reiterates willingness to strengthen high-level exchanges with France

China stands ready to strengthen high-level exchanges with France, give play to the leading role of head-of-state diplomacy, and add new connotations to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, said China's top diplomat Wang Yi on Saturday, amid rising high-level contacts between China and France in the past few months. 

Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks in a telephone call with the French President's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne on Saturday, reiterating China's willingness to push bilateral cooperation with France in various fields to a new level, and give play to the important role of the two major countries in dealing with global challenges, the Xinhua News Agency reported. 

Noting that the current international situation is complex and volatile, with numerous challenges and hot spots emerging one after another, Wang said the international community expects China and France to form a common position and speak with the same voice on major issues bearing on world peace and stability, as well as the future and destiny of mankind.

It is hoped that the French side will push the EU to continue to pursue a positive and pragmatic policy toward China, Wang noted.

At a time when some European politicians are mistakenly advocating "decoupling" from China, the frequent interactions between China and France is a highlight and a stabilizer, Chinese experts noted. The connection between the two countries is also very important for advancing the resolution of international hot-button issues.

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In the past few months, it is evident that China and France have increased their interactions, exchanges and communication in various fields, Zhao Junjie, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of European Studies, told the Global Times on Sunday. 

Against a backdrop of rising uncertainties in China-Europe relations as some European politicians advocate "decoupling," the relationship between China and France is not only a highlight but also plays an important role in stabilizing China-Europe relations, he noted. 

France is willing to use the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries as an opportunity to intensify high-level exchanges, deepen mutual trust, strengthen practical cooperation and strive for mutual benefit and win-win results, Bonne told Wang in the phone call. 

The two sides should work together to cool down hot spot issues, cope with global challenges including climate change, make positive contributions to narrowing the North-South gap and rejecting bloc confrontation, and push for further development of France-China and Europe-China relations, he said.

Zhao noted that the China-France relationship has always been important for both countries throughout history, and it is crucial to make good use of the 60th anniversary celebrations as an opportunity to strengthen political interactions between the two countries. 

The French government has always advocated that Europe's strategic autonomy and independence in their relationship with China is important for them, analysts said. While some major Western countries opt to blindly follow the US in pressuring China, it is time that France can demonstrate its rational great power characteristics through its actions, they said.

In the past few months, the warming of China-France relations has not only been reflected in high-level official exchanges. In the military and commercial fields, news of cooperation between the two sides has been frequent.

On Thursday, the Chinese and French militaries signed a framework document on the establishment of a maritime and aerial cooperation and dialogue mechanism between the two militaries' theaters, to help further deepen mutual trust and cooperation between the two militaries and jointly safeguard regional security and stability.

In the meantime, France's Airbus is in talks with China over a potentially major aircraft order which could involve hundreds of jets, Reuters reported. 

During the Saturday call, the two sides also discussed business cooperation, having agreed to cooperate on the development of artificial intelligence, continue to strengthen coordination on tackling climate change, and further refine the successful practice of "from French farm to Chinese dinner table," so as to provide a good environment for enterprises of both sides to invest and do business in each other's countries, the Xinhua reported. 

Observers emphasized that maintaining a stable relationship between the two major powers is helpful in addressing international concerns in the current turbulent global situation, which was also part of the discussions on Saturday, when the two sides also coordinated on international and regional issues of common concern such as the Ukraine issue and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

After Brexit, the UK's influence in Europe has clearly declined, while Russia is currently being suppressed by the West, which makes China and France's communications more important in the international sphere, Zhao told the Global Times. 

"China and France always have a traditional and solid foundation for cooperation, and now it has a broader vision," he said. "The China-France relations can set an example for other European countries."

Chinese embassy condemns Sunak’s unwarranted accusation, malicious slander

China urges some British politicians to end their belligerent rhetoric, cease wanton accusations against China, stop stoking bloc confrontation, and instead, focus more on domestic economic and social issues, and act in a way that is truly in the interests of world peace and justice, the Chinese Embassy in the UK said on Wednesday night, in response to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's listing of China as an authoritarian state and criticizing the China-Russia relationship.

Chinese experts said Sunak's hype aims to win support for his administration to increase military spending. In order to achieve this, he hypes geopolitical conflicts, presenting so-called external challenges, said experts. 

Sunak said the UK's increase in military spending "is a turning point for European security and a landmark moment in the defense of the United Kingdom." Speaking at the base of the Warsaw Armoured Brigade in Poland, he addressed a regiment of the Queen's Dragoon Guards: "I want to talk to you about how we equip you to do your duty in an increasingly dangerous world," with Britain and NATO confronting an "axis of authoritarian states," said Sunak, naming Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.

The UK politician was trying to look for excuses to ramp up the UK's military spending through his unwarranted accusation and malicious slander against China, said a spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the UK on Wednesday, noting that China firmly rejects his Cold War rhetoric that incites antagonism and confrontation.

"China is a peace-loving country, and has all along stood on the side of peace and justice," said the spokesperson in response to Sunak's accusation. "We have always promoted peace talks and sought peaceful settlement of international conflicts, we have contributed more than one-third of global economic growth for many years running, and we are a force for international cooperation and stability in the world. These are indisputable facts."

Cui Hongjian, a professor with the Academy of Regional and Global Governance at Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times on Thursday that Sunak's attack on China in his speech is mainly for "clout-chasing."

"Because of the numerous issues both domestically and internationally that the UK faces, Sunak is worried about the country's status as a major power," Cui said. "As a result, he is eager to make a statement on China-related issues, as only through this can he demonstrate his supposed political stance."

At the same time, the issue of military spending is also a reason for Sunak's hype. In order to enhance the UK's competitiveness, he must hype geopolitical conflicts, presenting so-called external challenges, including China and Russia as his targets, Cui noted. 

As pointed out by the Embassy spokesperson, in contrast to China, the current UK government seems to be stirring up troubles and heightening tensions around the world. 
On Ukraine, it has been providing offensive weapons to one side of the conflict, adding fuel to the fire. On the Gaza issue, it has repeatedly opposed resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire at the United Nations Security Council. It shows no support for Palestine's application for full UN membership and continues to supply weapons to Israel. Now, the UK lacks morality and has no sense of responsibility when it comes to matters of international peace and justice, the embassy said in the statement. 

Regarding Sunak's comments, China has urged British politicians to end their belligerent rhetoric, cease wanton accusations against China, stop stoking bloc confrontation, and instead, focus more on domestic economic and social issues, and act in a way that is truly in the interests of world peace and justice.

Observers also noted that as relations between China and Europe improve and both sides strengthen high-level exchanges, British politicians who are hyping up anti-China rhetoric are more likely to harm the interests of the UK itself.

"At present, China-Europe relations are on a positive track," Cui noted. "If speculative hyping remarks are allowed to ferment and affect a wider range of China-EU relations, it could in turn serve to help anti-China Western politicians achieve their goals."

ILRS cooperation adds three countries, intl agencies

The International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) has added Nicaragua, the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, and the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences as collaborating countries and organizations, GT learned from the Space Day of China 2024 opening ceremony on Wednesday. 

China will cooperate with these three parties in various aspects such as engineering implementation, operation, and application of the ILRS. According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA)'s ILRS Partnership Guidelines, the ILRS aims for peaceful use, equality and mutual benefit, and common development. Through joint construction with multiple countries, the ILRS will establish a comprehensive scientific experiment facility on the lunar surface and in lunar orbit, capable of long-term autonomous operation, short-term human involvement, expandability, and maintainability.